Facebook comments for pages with dynamic URL

by Goran Siric on Sunday, April 9, 2017 4:53 AM

The comments plugin lets people comment on content on your site using their Facebook account. People can choose to share their comment activity with their friends (and friends of their friends) on Facebook as well. The comments plugin also includes built-in moderation tools and social relevance ranking.

Here are steps that I have taken for adding Facebook comments on my blog page with dynamic URL.

  • Create new application on Facebook apps page

  • Go to Facebook comment plugin page and get code for your comments plugin. You will get JavaScript and HMTL code you need to include in your page.

  • Make sure you have JQuery support on your pages

  • Include this script on your page:

Note that if you look at page source, it will still contain original URL you entered while creating comment plugin. Don't worry about that, comments will be displayed based on dynamic URL of the page.

Cartoon source: Geek And Poke Cartoons

Goran Siric

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